Ecumenism in the Borderlands: Translating Worlds.
DATE: November 16-17, 2023
San Antonio, Texas
The 2023 Annual Conference of The North American Academy of Ecumenists will take place in San Antonio, Texas, November 16-17, under the theme, "Ecumenism in the Borderlands: Translating Worlds."
This conference aims to examine ecumenism's role at the edges and borders of human divisions, encompassing language, culture, and other boundaries within ecclesial communities.
Moreover, participants will explore the transformation of key ecumenical concepts and movements when applied in diverse multilingual or intercultural contexts. Special attention will be given to the US-Mexico border as a focal point for ecumenical inquiry and engagement.
Registration fee includes all panels, workshops, refreshments, and meals during the conference (including a banquet dinner for participants at a favorite local restaurant). Please note the special Member rates if you are a member of the NAAE, and the Reduced rates for students, members of monastic communities, and contingent faculty.
St. Mary's University is in a quieter area of San Antonio without hotels in easy walking distance. There are AirBnBs available in the area, as well as many hotels at various price points closer to downtown. Those NAAE attendees who will be staying on for the American Academy of Religion may wish simply to begin their stay early; others should note that taxis or rideshares to St. Mary's from accommodations downtown will be quick (10-15 minutes) and fairly inexpensive. Participants with severe financial limitations may inquire with us about inexpensive accommodations in a guest house on the St. Mary's campus; we may be able to make those arrangements if there are rooms remaining.
Thursday, November 16
12:00-2:00 pm: Registration & refreshments
2:00-2:30 pm: Opening liturgy
2:30-4:00 pm: Session 1: Theorizing Borders and Translation
Emilio Alvarez: "Ecumenical Translation or Multilingualism?"
Matthew Vega: "Mestizaje and Blaxicans"
Kori Pacnyak: "Queering Ecumenical Border/lands"
4:00-4:30 pm: Coffee break
4:30-6:00 pm: Session 2: Regional Perspectives on Ecumenism in the Borderlands
Ryan Ramsay: "World Christianity and Curanderismo"
Shalon Park: "Translating Confessions: Korean Vernacular Voicing of the Penitent Self"
Binu Varghese: "Nepantlas of Faith: Decolonizing Indian American Christianity"
6:00-7:00 pm: Reception & President's Address
7:00-9:00 pm: Banquet dinner at Lisa's Mexican Restaurant
Friday, November 17
8:30-9:00 am: Breakfast
9:00-11:00 am: Session 3: Frontiers in Ecumenical Theology
Andrés Jaime Valencia Parez: "Towards Unity on a Frontier Road"
Mat Schramm: "Ecumenical Translation at Vatican II"
Raimundo Barreto: "Jose Miguez Bonino as a Borderland Ecumenist"
Tess Welch: "Challenging Dualism: Rethinking the World Council of Churches through Anzaldúa’s Borderlands"
11:00-11:30 am: Coffee break
11:30 am-12:30 pm: Session 4: Panel and conversation on local ecumenical initiatives
12:30-1:30 pm: Lunch
1:30-2:30 pm: Membership meeting & concluding liturgy
2:30-5:00 pm: Student Workshop: A Practical Introduction to Ecumenical Method
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