2015 Conference Schedule
All Events: Mount Carmel Spiritual Centre,
Niagara Falls, Ontario Canada
FRIDAY, September 25, 2015
2:30 – 4:30/5 PM Departure from Mount Carmel for pre-conference walking tour of Niagara Falls. Fr. Tom Ryan will take people on a walk down to Niagara Falls and then along the river through a botanical garden and labyrinth to a peaceful and secluded little park enfolded by a tributary of the Niagara River. Bring your walking shoes and revel in the glories of the surrounding environment.
3:00 PM NAAE Board meeting
5:00 PM Opening Worship— NAAE Vice-President, the Rev. Dr.Thomas F. Best
5:30 PM Opening dinner
7:00 PM NAAE Membership Meeting: Board Elections;Recognition of grant recipients; Ecumenical Updates & Sharing
8:00 PM Introducing Open Space
SATURDAY, September 26, 2015
8:00 AM Breakfast
9:00 AM Gathering Prayer—NAAE Vice-President, the Rev. Dr.Thomas F. Best
9:15 AM Open Space
Noon Lunch
1:15 PM Open Space
5:00 PM Reception
5:30 PM Banquet: Banquet Speaker:the Rev. Canon Dr. Alyson Barnett-Cowan, President of the Canadian Council of Churches
Compline to close the day
SUNDAY, September 27, 2015
8:00 AM Breakfast
9:00 AM Closing open space session
11:00 AM Closing Worship—NAAE Vice-President, the Rev. Dr. Thomas F.Best
12:00 Lunch & membership departures
12:30 PM Closing NAAE Board Meeting
2:00 PM Board departures